Since 1997, we have welcomed students of all abilities. However, for the first time we are introducing a dedicated program called Harmonize & Flow for differently abled, neurodiverse kids and adults.
We meet with all students to determine your individual needs. We will collaborate together to determine the best learning environment for you. We offer accommodations to students in our existing large group classes. We also offer small group classes of 4-6 students with two instructors for students who would benefit from a smaller group setting. We offer private instruction, in addition, to support students where needed in mastering particular skills or preparing for promotion tests. Harmonize & Flow also includes a regular meeting to discuss progress and accommodations and to review goals. Parents and siblings are welcome to join classes too.
Custom tailored programs
Our current student community includes kids and adults with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, dyspraxia, gross motor challenges, developmental delays, emotional regulation challenges, anxiety, learning disabilities, medical conditions, neurological conditions and physical differences. We have developed our adapted program in consultation with an occupational therapist, and our special needs parents and students. We are members of the Adaptive Martial Arts Association. We are experts in karate but you are the expert in your needs. We are committed to working with you to tailor a karate program that works for you. If you would like to speak with one of our special needs families about our program, please let us know.
Parent Testimonial
My family has attended Seichou Karate®for the last 4 years. My two boys are high functioning on the spectrum, have ADHD, dyspraxia and anxiety. We were recommended to try a martial art by our OT to help my eldest son with his coordination and gross motor challenges. It has been very successful for us. Both of my kids have made huge leaps in their physical development. They have improved their coordination and focus. It has helped my youngest work with his anxiety and emotional regulation. It has given them both a sense of self confidence and accomplishment. We participate in the large group classes with accommodations and additional support. It has made me very proud to see exactly what my kids can do and it reminds me every week that, despite their challenges, I must never underestimate what they can do. My eldest son is currently a green belt! The instructors at Seichou have been extremely committed to helping my kids overcome obstacles and succeed in their karate and have developed a real understanding of the challenges that special needs families face. I very much recommend it.
“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”